Comment protéger sa boite mail des spams ?

Comment protéger sa boite mail des spams ?

Les spams sont des messages indésirables et non-sollicités. Si cet article est consacré aux spams reçus dans les boîtes de messagerie, le spam s’attaque à toutes les formes de communications électroniques comme les forums, les wikis, les réseaux sociaux, les sites internet ou même les moteurs de recherche.

Origine du mot Spam

Les messages indésirables seraient nommés spam depuis 1999. Selon une enquête très sérieuse de la BBC, le mot aurait pour origine un sketch des Monthy Python. Les humoristes britanniques avaient parodié une publicité où le nom de la marque de charcuterie Spam (Une nourriture assez lourde) était répété sans cesse par un groupe de vikings dans un restaurant. Un newsgroup dédié aux Monthy Python aurait vu apparaître en 1999 un fil de discussion rendant hommage à cette scène et composé uniquement de messages contenant le mot spam. Ce trait d’humour se serait répandu de newsgroup en newgroup et le mot spam serait ainsi entré dans le dictionnaire de l’internet !

Le premier Spam de l’histoire

Gary Thuerk est considéré comme le premier spammeur de l’histoire. Bien avant l’apparition du mot spam, le 3 mai 1978, cet employé de DEC a envoyé aux 600 utilisateurs d’ARPAnet, l’ancêtre d’internet, un même message les invitant à se rendre à une démonstration de son entreprise.
Ce message a été très peu apprécié des utilisateurs du réseau et a même été condamné par l’administration américaine, déjà en charge du réseau. Cette pratique avait été jugée non conforme au règlement d’utilisation.

90 % des emails sont des spams !

De nombreuses études ont été publiées ces dix dernières années sur les spams et plus particulièrement sur ceux à destination des messageries électroniques. Le m3aawg, un organisme dédié à la lutte contre le spam, a annoncé en 2010 qu’un peu plus de 80% des messages électroniques étaient indésirables et non-sollicités. L’ENISA, l’European Network and information Security Agency, avait annoncé quelques mois plus tôt que 95% des courriers électroniques étaient des spams! Des études plus récentes estiment qu’au moins 90% des emails envoyés sont des spams.

Plusieurs genres de Spams

La très grande majorité des spams contiennent de la publicité. Ces messages invitent leurs destinataires à visiter un site internet où ils devront sortir leur carte bancaire pour acheter le meilleur et le plus beau produit de la planète, et souvent à un prix battant toute concurrence.

Si les spams publicitaires sont chronophages et envahissants, ils ne sont pas dangereux. Les messages des catégories suivantes le sont.

Tout d’abord, des escrocs peuvent utiliser les spams pour extorquer de l’argent à des personnes peu averties. Les arnaques les plus fréquentes sont la promesse de la remise d’un cadeau en échange d’une somme d’argent ou la proposition d’un travail à domicile contre également une contre-partie financière, destinée généralement à de prétendus frais de dossier.

Le spam peut également être utilisé par les escrocs pour pratiquer le phishing, ou hameçonnage en français. Des messages semblant être envoyés par une banque ou un organisme de confiance demandent à l’utilisateur de se rendre sur un site internet factice où il doit saisir des informations personnelles comme par exemple un numéro de carte de crédit. Une fois les précieuses données récupérées l’escroc peut facilement voler l’identité ou l’argent de sa victime.

Le Spam est illégal

Quelque soit la finalité d’un spam, ce type de message est illégal. Une directive de l’Union Européenne, datée du 12 juillet 2002, interdit, dans le cadre de la protection de la vie privée dans le secteur des communications électroniques, l’envoi de messages commerciaux sans le consentement du destinataire.

La France, s’est appuyée sur cette directive européenne pour promulguer le 21 juin 2004 une loi pour la confiance dans l’économie numérique. Cette loi interdit purement et simplement l’envoi de spams.

Lutter contre le Spam

Ne pas mettre son adresse email sur la place publique

La première mesure à prendre quand on ne veut pas être envahi par les spams est de communiquer son adresse email uniquement à des personnes, des organismes ou des sites internet de confiance.

Une très mauvaise habitude est par exemple d’utiliser son adresse email comme signature sur un forum ou un site internet. Si l’adresse email doit impérativement être rendue public, comme par exemple sur un site professionnel, il est fortement conseillé de ne pas écrire son adresse email en claire. L’email peut être “cachée” dans une image ou être écrite de manière cryptée.

Cette protection n’est pas une fantaisie. Les spammeurs utilisent en effet des robots pour collecter en masse les adresses emails divulguées aux quatre coins de la toile.

Une autre bonne habitude à prendre est de ne pas saisir son adresse email dans le premier formulaire venu.
Une autre bonne habitude est d’utiliser plusieurs adresses email, dont certaines jetables pour les formulaires qu’on ne juge pas importants.

Trier ses messages

La majorité des spams peuvent être identifiés sans avoir à consulter leur contenu. Si vous relevez vos emails via un webmail, l’excellente habitude à prendre est de directement transférer les messages indésirables dans le dossier “spams”. Vous évitez ainsi d’ouvrir un message pouvant contenir un lien vers un site de hameçonnage et vous participez également à la détection des spams pour l’ensemble des utilisateurs. Les services de messagerie analysent en effet les messages marqués comme étant des spams. Cette base de données permet de mettre en place des filtres automatiques. Cette prévention est généralement rendue possible grâce au filtrage bayésien, un système fondé sur l’apprentissage.

Ne pas suivre les liens ou télécharger les pièces jointes d’un message suspect

Si vous avez ouvert un spam par erreur, la seule action à effectuer est de le transférer dans le dossier des spams ou dans la corbeille. Il faut impérativement ne pas suivre l’éventuel lien présent dans le message ou télécharger et ouvrir une éventuelle pièce jointe.

Le suivi du lien peut en effet permettre au spammeur de récupérer des informations personnelles. La pièce jointe peut quant à elle contenir un virus ou un cheval de troie dont l’objectif peut aller de l’installation d’un logiciel fantôme au vol de données.

Sécuriser sa boîte email avec l’installation d’un logiciel anti-spam

Les services de messagerie disposent de logiciels permettant d’assurer le filtrage des messages transmis aux utilisateurs. Si ces logiciels permettent d’éliminer de nombreux spams, les services de messagerie ne peuvent pas se permettre d’éliminer tous les messages “suspects” : leur mission est de transmettre aux utilisateurs leurs emails.

La majorité des services de messagerie ont adopté la politique suivante: ils transmettent les messages suspects aux utilisateurs mais les placent dans un dossier dédié aux spams. L’utilisateur peut ainsi sortir de ce dossier les messages de son choix.

Les utilisateurs recevant leur courrier électronique dans un logiciel de messagerie ont en charge d’installer un logiciel ou un filtre anti-spam. Ces derniers utilisent deux grandes méthodes pour détecter les spams : le filtrage d’enveloppe, où les en-têtes des messages sont inspectés afin de détecter d’éventuelles incohérences et le filtrage de contenu, où le contenu du message est analysé à la recherche d’éventuels motifs indiquant clairement qu’il s’agit d’un spam.

Maintenir ses logiciels à jour

La mise à jour d’un logiciel ou plus généralement d’un système informatique permet de bénéficier de nouvelles fonctionnalités mais aussi de la correction de bugs et de failles de sécurité. Un logiciel anti-spams doit, comme un logiciel anti-virus, être maintenu à jour par les utilisateurs afin de bénéficier des derniers filtres et protections. Il est également conseillé de s’assurer de la mise à jour automatique de la base de données des spams connus.


Le spam existe malheureusement depuis les premiers échanges électroniques. Si la majorité des messages indésirables sont de la publicité, certains peuvent s’avérer particulièrement dangereux et entraîner le destinataire dans un processus long et difficile pour obtenir réparation après une escroquerie.

Trois habitudes simples permettent à l’utilisateur de se protéger du spam et d’éventuels fraudes et arnaques : la transmission de l’adresse email doit être réservée à des personnes ou des organismes de confiance, la boîte de messagerie doit être sécurisée avec des logiciels anti-spam et anti-virus, et enfin les spams doivent être le plus rapidement possible supprimés ou déplacés au moins vers un dossier dédié ou la corbeille.

The Four Types of Bloggers You Need to Work With

The Four Types of Bloggers You Need to Work With

When you run a blog, you’re essentially running a self-made magazine. There are a lot of unspoken rules. Between formatting, how many pictures per post, subject matter, the keywords you should use, and more. If you’re looking for consistent blog readers, you’ll need to keep a high level of content.

One of the best ways to maintain quality content is by guest bloggers. But, who do you pick to blog for you? First, you need to make sure the guest blogger adds value to your blog. They need to be a part of your niche community, or they need to have something of value to share.

One big misconception about blogging is that a guest blogger and a thought leader are the same thing. They’re not. A guest blogger can be anyone with an unusual perspective or a tip they’d like to offer to your readers. Maybe they have a blog that gets a lot of readers, and they want to expand their audience.

A thought leader is a proven guru in their field of study. A thought leader provokes insight or explains processes that are deeper than what you could offer. A thought leader needs to have credential that vaults them above the crowd.

These four bloggers are sure to add value and substance to your blog:

Technical experts

Maybe you run a blog dedicated to Nintendo and old school gaming culture. Why not hook up with someone who knows the in’s and out’s of the hardware? A total pro who can help readers understand why games work a certain way or offer a solution to a machine that’s stopped working. Maybe this blogger can teach your readers tips and tricks to clean their Sega Genesis or keeping their Turbografx 16 in working order when parts are scarce.

Everyone loves How To’s or a niche-related pro-tip. Expert advice is an easy win and always gets a lot of readers. If you play your KEYwords correctly, a blog that offers evergreen content will always rank because the value never diminishes.


In years past, newspapers and magazines swore off the long form, kicking it down to two or three pieces per issue. Now that everything is digital, writers have complete freedom to go as long as they like. If in your adventures of gaming, you stumble upon a blogger who can offer a deep cut into gaming history, readers love learning about their niche. If you can mix up the usual content with a few longer pieces, the effect can satisfy many readers tastes because of the options.

As long as the essay adds value and the writing is solid, adding long form could be an excellent way to separate your brand from the pack.


There’s famous and then famous to particular groups of people. Sure, would getting a piece written by Brad Pitt get you some readers? You bet it would. But, let’s be realistic, if you run a blog dedicated to a niche community, it’s best to find the people who stand out, and everyone knows them.

By tapping that celebrity culture, it brings an instant gratification that your blog is cool. No one with a following will just blog anywhere, or so it’s perceived. If you can land a popular gamer or someone who’s well known in the industry, people will view your blog in a much different light. Despite actually not having any significant bearing on your content’s quality, this move works best for gaining awareness with a whole different set of people who didn’t know your blog existed.

Thought leaders

We touched on them earlier, but thought leaders are a crucial score for the success of any blog that deals with a particular community. A thought leader, like a celebrity, lends a different level of credibility to anyone’s blog. Because they’re considered an expert in their field than just famous, the degree of respect is different.

Negotiating terms with a thought leader can be lengthy, but most of the time, having their name attached to your blog is a worthy pursuit. If you want to have a more professional, critically-minded tonality to your blog, working with thought leaders is an awesome way to access knowledge and get content people are excited about.

If you put in the work and mix these personality types in with your content, there’s a great chance you’ll see unique visitors to your blog each week. Just remember to keep the quality high and the reader’s value in mind.

If you’ve got any blogging pro tips, we’d love to hear them. Shoot us a Tweet or leave a comment.

What You Need to Know About SSL Certificates

What You Need to Know About SSL Certificates

When was the last time you purchased something online? If you can’t remember, how about someone you know? Odds are the answer is one of the following: today, yesterday, or the day before yesterday. Now let’s hold onto those answers, we’ll need them later.

Online marketplaces, purchases, and transactions are a part of our everyday routine. In addition to that, we live in an age which allows anyone with a little time on their hands to set up shop and participate in online business. When you sign up for a hosting account, it’s usually for a personal hobby, such as blogging, or blogging, or blogging. Or it’s because you have a great product/service and you want to share it. Now whether you’re brand new to hosting or a veteran of the web, you know there are many terms to learn. We’ll help you hone in on one of the most important ones to your business, an SSL Certificate. But first, let’s review some factors that influence online transactions.

Why should I get one?

There are several factors that go into making an online purchase, such as price, quantity, and quality. Those values are usually associated with the product itself, right? Getting someone to trust in a product is one thing, but how can you get visitors to trust in your website? The answer is your SSL certificate. Having one allows you to process credit card and other personal info safely and securely. It allows you to become PCI compliant, which is also a must for online business.

What is an SSL Certificate?

To summarize, an SSL certificate on the front end is the badge that let’s all of your visitors or potential customers know that the information they submit via your site is safe. Security is important, privacy is important, trust is important! That’s the beauty of an SSL certificate. It lets your site’s visitors know those things are important to you too. Without one, you will not succeed in getting your products and services to the people that want them. The symbol that appears when your site has an SSL takes care of half of the battle for you.

How does it work?

We know that on the front end, an SSL certificate is represented by a badge; a symbol that your site is the place to be. But how does it work exactly? The main function of an SSL certificate is to encrypt the information that’s submitted via your website in a way that only the actual recipient of the data can utilize it. In short, no one, except for the person or persons who are supposed to receive it, can read it. Sorry identity thieves and hackers, not on our watch.

When should I get one?

Technically, you can start a blog or a website and not need one right away. In fact, you can even have a website and run purchases exclusively through PayPal without an SSL certificate. While that’s convenient and PayPal is becoming a popular means for transactions, when you’re considering using credit card information for online purchases, PCI compliance requires that you have an SSL certificate. In the long run, we’d recommend that any business gets set up with an SSL cert. If not, you’re telling potential customers that if they’d like to submit credit card information they will need to go somewhere else.

How can I get one?

At Bluehost, we want your online journey to be successful. Getting an SSL with a third party can be a little bit of a hassle, so if you need one and want to ensure a seamless process, we can get you set up. We provide different certificates for different needs and  can help you make sure you get the one that’s the right fit.

Here are the SSL’s we currently offer:

Positive SSL

Comodo’s Positive SSL Certificates are designed for securing intranets, extranets, and websites. These certificates are an ideal and low-cost way of securing your enterprise web server.

Comodo SSL

Comodo SSL certificates provide the strongest protection, greatest flexibility, and can be issued to your website within minutes using our 100% online ordering process.

Positive Wildcard SSL

You can either spend a lot of money and time buying and managing individual SSL Certificates for each subdomain, or you can save hundreds or even thousands of dollars by purchasing just one Wildcard SSL certificate to secure them all.

Comodo Wildcard SSL

Comodo Wildcard SSL secures subdomains such as,, and One Wildcard SSL certificate saves you money and time by simplifying SSL certificate.

By Eric Ross Anderson

7 Reasons Every Student Should Start a Website

7 Reasons Every Student Should Start a Website

From career boosting to money making, a site of your own comes with the kind of benefits that make a big difference while you’re studying or looking for a job.

1. Think of it as your career ‘game face’

Not only do most recruiters use the web to screen job applicants, more than a third have even knocked back candidates because of their social media activity. According to Andy Sumner at Monster UK, “a Google search will tell a recruiter more than a CV can” — but as scary as that sounds, it’s actually the perfect opportunity to manage your online reputation.

Whatever else you get up to online, a website gives you a professional digital presence to fall back on, as well as a chance of appearing in search results ahead of distracting social stuff. There’s no harm in spreading your personal brand across third-party sites such as LinkedIn too, but starting a website gives you the chance to tell your story in your own way.

2. It’s the ultimate CV

If video content, demos and photos do the best job of showing what you know, a website is what you need. Plus, it’s a lot more discoverable than print or PDF resumes.

An online CV isn’t only a calling card, though: it actively demonstrates you have the skills you say you do(remember the ‘show, don’t tell’ advice about CV writing?). If you’re aiming to get into web design, marketing, publishing— and loads of other professions—a well planned site can sell your enthusiasm for and knowledge of the industry, as well as prove hands-on skills such as coding, picture editing, writing, retail, or flair for SEO.

If your social media already does that, but in lots of different places (Pinterest plus YouTube, or wherever), a website will allow you to keep the highlights in one place — and that means less clicks for employers.

3. You can make money

How to make money from your website is the golden question! Luckily, it’s simple:

Affiliate marketing: Link to partners’ products or services on your site and get a cut of sales from your readers. It’s a neat way to make passive (long-term, low effort) income.

Advertising: Earn cash every time visitors click ads on your site. Google Adsense can automate the process, but if you have the traffic — or the gift of gab — you could make more profit approaching companies directly.

Sponsorship: Allowing retailers to post content on your site (for a fee), or being sent freebies in exchange for a product or service review.

Members’ content: Set up a paid subscribers’ area, or sell downloads of premium content (ebooks, PDFs, insider tips, tutorials, and even audio guides).

Sell products or services: You can sell things you’ve made or can do, too.

There are plenty of other ways to monetize a website but if the ones above sound familiar, it’s because they’re the business backbone of tons of sites you visit everyday. From news and education portals to entertainment, dating, and gaming hubs. And—like them—if you enjoy making content as much as cash, it’s perfectly possible to turn your web work into a whole career.

4. The freedom to do what you love

Got something to shout about? Whatever you care about, you can write, blog or brainstorm it any way you like, including:

Raising money or awareness for a cause.

How-to guides for something you’re an expert in or enjoy doing.

An online journal and/or advice to help others in similar situations.

The freedom to do your own thing is a pretty potent reward but once you’ve got a bank of content, you can always go the monetization route (above). You can also sell your content outright as print or digital books or for use on other websites. It’s great to have the option!

5. A sense of professionalism

It doesn’t matter if you’re applying for jobs or running a business: your own domain name, an email address to match, and some good content looks much more professional. Whether you’re selling products, services, or your career skills, a website demonstrates that you believe in what you’re doing, and are prepared to put in the time and effort.

6. Hands-on experience

Whether you use a website to make money or get your CV seen, there’s nothing like rolling up your sleeves and getting started to see how things work.

Getting and keeping content online is the perfect opportunity to practice problem solving and research skills. You can also perfect your persistence, idea generation, curiosity (how did they do that? And how can I do it?), and network with other influencers. It just so happens, these are all valuable transferable skills as well.

7. It’s ridiculously easy

Luckily, it’s not rocket science! You can start a website — from choosing your domain name and hosting to publishing your first post — in a lunch break or less. Building and buffing your content and brand does take time, of course, but the fewer the hurdles to get to that point, the better.

A website is a bit like a Swiss Army Knife: it’s good for more than one thing. The beauty of it is, you don’t need to be technically minded to be digital. Starting or maintaining a site doesn’t have to take any more time than your average social media fix — and that means bite-size effort, but big-time rewards!

By Ruth Bushi

The Domain Manager plan has been upgraded to include an email service

The Domain Manager plan has been upgraded to include an email service

2018 has only just begun, but we are already working hard to complete all the projects that have remained unfinished.

One of the most sought-after features last year was the integration of an email service into the Domain Manager plan.

The latter now includes the option to create and manage mailboxes and send/receive emails, just like a regular web hostingaccount does, thus taking the Domain Manager plan one step closer to the ‘real’ hosting service.

What is the Domain Manager upgrade about?

The Domain Manager plan is the smallest of all the packages on our platform and it targets a specific niche – namely people who do not need or are not yet ready to commit to a fully fledged hosting account.

This allows for customers to order sole domain name registrations/transfers from Wise Host and to manage all of them from one and the same place without the need to invest in a web hosting account to achieve that.

The Domain Manager plan is great for users who want to lay their hands on an attractive domain name for a given future project before anyone does.

So far, domain owners have only been able to register and transfer domain names and to edit some basic settings (Whois details, name servers, domain parking pages, etc.).

The integration of the emailing functionality takes the Domain Manager plan to a whole new usage level.

It allows domain owners to send and receive electronic messages, i.e. to make actual use of their domain names.

This way, clients can have personalized email addresses for their individual or business needs right from the start.

How to make use of the new email feature?

The new emailing functionality is available to all new Domain Manager plan users.

You will recognize it by the Mails icon on the domain management dashboard’s index page.

Once you’ve clicked on it, you’ll be taken to the well-known Email Manager interface, which is accessible to all regular web hosting account owners who are using the Wise Host Control Panel

From there, Wise Host customers will be able to create mailboxes, to set up email forwarding and autoresponder messages, to create mailbox spam filters, etc., i.e. they will be able to perform all important email management operations.

By taking into account the regular email usage on Wise Host platform, we’ve set specific quotas with respect to the maximum number of mailboxes and the total amount of email storage space.

This way, we’ll prevent the use of the emailing functionality for abusive purposes and will cater only to customers’ real email hosting needs.

Uses can find more details in the Account usage section of their Domain Manager accounts.


You can now choose to enable/disable SSL certificates on your store

You can now choose to enable/disable SSL certificates on your store

At a time when cyber security is becoming more vital than ever, the need to raise awareness of the importance of HTTPS encryption is rapidly increasing. To put it simply – SSL certificates are a must-have for any safety-conscious site owner.

Starting today, you will be able to manage your SSL offerings like you manage any other product on your store. Learn more from our post.

Why are SSL certificates a must-offer service?

Cybersecurity has become the number-one topic on the web since Google announced in September 2016 that HTTP URLs would soon be marked as insecure, whereas SSL-enabled sites – pushed up the rankings with priority.

The rush for SSL certificates has created great opportunities for hosting providers and domain registrars alike.

By offering SSLs on your store, you will become fully compliant with the security guidelines that went into force in 2017.

Apart from regular SSL certificates, you can also offer free Let’s Encrypt certificates, which we introduced last year on our platform in an effort to make this service more affordable.

Regular vs. Let’s Encrypt SSLs – what’s the difference?

Both Let’s Encrypt and commercial SSLs offer basic HTTPS encryption that will protect your sites against interception and eavesdropping.

Their mission is to ascertain that your site visitors are exchanging information with the domain that is visible in the address bar and to ensure that their login details or credit card information cannot be eavesdropped.

Also, both SSL types are trusted by all major browsers, which means that the “https://” part at the beginning of the URL in your browser’s address bar will be preceded by a green padlock:

Here are the main differences between a Let’s Encrypt certificate and a regular SSL:

  • Warranty: regular SSLs include a warranty against misuse or mis-issuance, whereas Let’s Encrypt certificates do not;
  • Wildcard Certificates: the traditional Certification Authorities usually offer wildcard or multi-domain certificates, whereas Let’s Encrypt does not;
  • Validity Period: Most regular SSL certificates are valid for at least one year. Longer validity periods (3, 5, etc. years) are an option too. Let’s Encrypt certificates are only valid for 90 days and must be renewed before they expire. On our platform, Let’s Encrypt certificates are renewed automatically, so you won’t have to worry about that.
  • Support: Let’s Encrypt does not offer assistance with creating or installing SSL certificates, only community help is available. However, this could be easily solved with a quick re-generation and re-installation of the problematic Let’s Encrypt SSL, as is the practice on our platform;

NOTE: Let’s Encrypt will begin issuing wildcard certificates later this year. We will, in turn, do our best to enable them in the Control Panel in the shortest time possible.

So, which SSL type is the right one to choose?

Actually, your choice will be solely determined by the type of site you manage.

For instance, if you own a non-commercial site like a blog or a photo gallery, or just need a quickly configurable, simple and free SSL certificate, then Let’s Encrypt is the best option for you.

However, if you run an e-store or an enterprise site, then you will need to invest in a paid, warranty-backed-up SSL certificate issued by an established Certification Authority, which will be your guarantee against online abuses.

What is Web Hosting?

What is Web Hosting?

Do you have something you want to share with the world? Awesome!

There’s never been an easier time than now to share your creativity, products and ideas with people anywhere in the world.

There’s no scribe, town crier or carrier pigeon required, although we know an alligator who’s happy to guide you through the process.

Creating a website is easier than most people expect it to be.

Before we go over the steps involved, it’s helpful to think about exactly what you want your website to do for you.

How Can A Website Help Me?

1. Publish a blog.

Whether you’re sharing your thoughts for fun or profit (or both), you need a website to serve as a home for your blog.

2. Build your business.

Most people look online for places to shop, so a website is a must if you want customers to find you.

3. Show off your portfolio.

If you’re a freelance photographer, writer, web designer, or another type of independent worker, an online portfolio can show prospective clients what you do and why they should hire you.

Next, we explain how you get a website for your business.

What Do I Need to Create a Website?

You need to get three things to set up your site: a domain, a web host, and site content. If this is all new to you, it may help to think of the process like throwing a house party – only you’re starting by building the house.

Next, we explain how you get a website for your business.

What Do I Need to Create a Website?

You need to get three things to set up your site: a domain, a web host, and site content. If this is all new to you, it may help to think of the process like throwing a house party – only you’re starting by building the house.

1. File storage:

The image, text, and design files that make your website look like it does are stored on a server – a computer maintained by your web hosting service. These files are sort of like your party décor, music and snacks – the reason people come to your house parties.

2. Hardware:

The server where your website files are stored is usually one of many servers  stored together in a data center. Keeping all this hardware in one place makes it easier for your web hosting service to keep it up to date and running properly. Hardware is like the furniture, lights, and plumbing in your own home.

3. Uptime:

The amount of time when your site files are available to visitors is “uptime.” Uptime of 99.9% is the industry standard for web hosts. You don’t want guests to drop by and find that your website is unavailable, just like you don’t want party guests to find your house locked and empty when they arrive.

4. Security:

On the internet, pranksters and criminals are always trying to break into servers, files, and sites to cause mayhem or steal data. Your web host’s security measures protect your site from break-ins, just like your home security system keeps people from breaking into your house.

A good web host will also include other services and tools that make setting up your site easier and faster, like:

  • Round-the-clock live support so you can work on your site anytime and get help if you need it.
  • Free templates for your website so you can create a professional looking site in just a few clicks.
  • Video and written tutorials to answer your detailed questions.
  • Domain and WHOIS privacy registration services.
  • Shopping cart tools to help you start selling online.
  • Unlimited email hosting so you can create professional email addresses for yourself and your employees or blog contributors.
  • Spam filters, because who wants spam?
  • Automatic site backups to protect your site files as your website evolves and grows.


How Much Does A Website Cost?

As versatile and powerful as websites are, they’re also remarkably cost-effective compared to other marketing methods throughout history. For less than $5 per month you could get

  • 5 pounds of feed for carrier pigeons (pigeons and messages not included).
  • 50 large postcards to mail to prospective customers (postage not included).
  • Your very own website with the potential to reach more than 3 billion internet users.

Does a website seem like a better fit for you than postcards or pigeons? We agree.

Do I Have to Pay for Web Hosting?

Can you use a free hosting service instead of getting your web hosting? You can, but you’re taking a risk that the free service may shut down your site if…

  • you run afoul of their rules,
  • people complain about your site, or
  • something happens outside your control that takes the service offline.

It’s like trying to throw a party at your parents’ place: Their house, their rules. What did they always say? “When you pay the bills, you can make the rules.” There you go.

There are other potential problems, too.

Having the free hosting brand’s logo on your pages and in your URL makes your business look amateur to visitors. If you won’t spend money on your business, why should they?

Limits on bandwidth from free site builders can cause you to miss sales if a product or promotion goes viral.

Don’t limit yourself or your site. Choose web hosting that supports your goals as your business grows.

Ready to set up your site?

How to Identify Your Social Media Influencers

How to Identify Your Social Media Influencers

By Alex York for Sprout Social

If you hang around a social media marketer long enough, you’re bound to hear the term social media influencers tossed around in conversation. Social media influencers are the bread and butter to marketing strategies and help brands build valuable relationships on social media platforms.

Most social media managers prize their social media influencers because they can drive engagement and word-of-mouth communication to your brand at a higher rate than standard organic methods. At the same time, some managers are hesitant to deem someone a social media influencer just because they have thousands of followers.

There has to be a middle ground toward influencer marketing and it starts with you understanding the goals of your brand and what the influencer will accomplish. Creating goals and outlining each party’s responsibilities, possibly including it in a social media proposal, is essential to see results.

In this article we’ll discuss three key subjects to get your influencer marketing campaign up and running. Click the links below to jump to each section of this article:

  • Why You Need Social Media Influencers
  • How to Identify Social Media Influencers
  • Creating Campaigns Around Social Media Influencers

What Are Social Media Influencers?

Social media influencers are power users who can help your potential customers make a buying decision through social networking. Whether they’re a blogger, product reviewer, industry expert or a trusted source of information, your social media influencers are unique to your field and product or service.

For example, if you’re trying to find a social media influencer on grilling and barbecuing, you’ll want people such as:

  • Food critics in the industry
  • People with popular outdoor cooking Instagram accounts
  • Grilling bloggers who write for major recipe sites
  • Grill and barbecue pit builders
  • Ribs and barbecue contest judges
  • TV chef personalities (i.e. someone who won Chopped)

The best way to find your social media influencers is by thinking about whose voice you trust. If you were searching for a reason to buy or try out a service, wouldn’t you want the most trusted and reliable source?

A survey from Nielsen showed only 33% of consumers trust advertisements, while 90% put their faith in peer recommendations. Getting influencers to persuade consumers can drastically work in your favor when correctly executed.

Why You Need Social Media Influencers

Like we previously mentioned, people tend to trust peer recommendations over any company advertisement. Working with social media influencers is another step toward humanizing your brand.

If you have social media influencers with loyal audiences, a brand mention goes much further than a Tweet from your company account. These followers trust the influencer’s opinion, which is why they follow in the first place.

Reputation plays such a key role in buyer decisions. Here we can see aerial photographer, Ryan Patterson, boosting the presence of United on Instagram. These types of mentions spread awareness faster and more efficiently. Even United often Regrams content from its biggest followers.

Here are a few more reasons why you should trust social media influencers:

Influencers Reach Core Demographics

More so than anything else, social media influencers are great at speaking to their core demographic. For some marketers, there has been success with the adoption of influencers over traditional marketing techniques. One area you can see this happening is with visual media.

The popularity of Instagram and Facebook Video has marketers looking for more opportunities with social media video. A report from Cisco’s Visual Networking Index claims online video traffic will account for 80% of all web traffic by 2019.

Adding influencer video content can help you reach more of your core demographic. Just make sure you adjust your traffic wants, goals and needs to your influencers so everyone is on the same page.

Your best social media influencers are going to be the ones that already share content that is similar to your brand. You want to be in the same circle so it doesn’t seem like a stretch when you ask influencers to talk about you. Again, this idea usually comes back to humanizing your outreach and content.

Influencers Build Relationships

Some influencer naysayers believe these trendy social experts aren’t as effective as working with brand advocates because they’re short-term solutions. However, working with influencers builds meaningful relationships over time, while brand advocates are more short-term solutions. The worst thing you can do while searching for influencers is to rush the process.

Both are great options for your marketing strategy, but each has their place. Advocates are more likely to be your happy customers, while influencers reach direct audiences with their social media skills.

It might seem difficult to build relationships when you don’t even know the specific audiences. But with the help of Sprout Social’s Audience Targeting, you can post influencer posts to specific audience groups all within the compose window.

This will help you reach, build and engage your followers across all channels. And like any relationship, it takes time and dedication to build trust. This same logic fits perfectly with your influencers.

Influencers Increase SEO Value

It’s a smart idea to constantly look for new ways to create awareness around your brand. And using influencers to build your SEO value is a great way to do it. According to Moz, some of the most prominent ways Google leverages ranking in its algorithm is from domain and page-level links and keyword and content-based features.

Essentially quality of links, quantity of links to root domains and optimization of keyword usage within your content are some of the most essential aspects to better rankings. Influencers with well-trusted and established sites can bring a ton of value to your own.

Also, social media influencers can impact your SEO through:

  • More brand mentions: The more people are talking about your brand, the likelier they are to share, post, comment or cite in a blog. All of these lead to higher organic traffic.
  • Increased backlinks: A pillar to SEO is obtaining backlinks, which essentially help show the popularity and importance of your site. With links from websites considered authorities or influencers in your industry, your site becomes more credible.

While it’s safe to say not every piece of social media content is indexed, it’s still beneficial to be present, active and engaging to increase links to your site. Influencers can help with this and even possibly get other larger entities to share your content or link back to you.

How to Identify Social Media Influencers

You might be thinking, “Okay, great—I know why social media influencers are important, but how do I find them?” We like your eagerness, but before you can start interacting and working with your influencers, you have to do some research. For starters, here are a few different tools you can use to find the perfect influencer for your brand:

  • Audience targeting
  • Twitter analytics


A tool that continues to help brands find true influencers in their field is BuzzSumo. With this content marketing tool, it’s simple to discover, measure and monitor content to be one step ahead of the game. BuzzSumo also has an influencers and outreach feature that is made specifically for finding the top writers, bloggers and publications in your field using the same keywords you’re trying to reach as well.

BuzzSumo gives you the option to sort via influencers, bloggers, companies and regular users who might not have the status of an influencer. But if you ever need to find who is an expert in your industry, this is the tool.

Remember that influencers are not just those who have a high number of followers. Instead, it’s more efficient to look at their total number of shares per article, site domain authority, Retweet ratio and page authority. BuzzSumo makes it absolutely painless to search, find and analyze the top influencers in your industry.


LinkedIn is built specifically for helping you network with others in and around your industry. So why not use the social media platform to help find influencers? Social Media Examiner recommends you enter specific keywords or phrases within the search box to pull up second-degree connections and those who are directly related to your search.

Don’t be shy about reaching out to those who you feel would be great influencers. However, you don’t want to be too forward with what you want from them. Avoid sounding spammy or too needy as well. Instead try some of these icebreakers on LinkedIn:

  • Start liking their shares and posts before adding them to your network.
  • Send a meaningful message about their content.
  • Ask them to join one of your LinkedIn groups (or join theirs).
  • Let them know how you found them (be honest).
  • Explain you’d just like a moment of their time (value their time).

The worst thing you can do is sound robotic and dehumanize the conversation. Secondly, put some effort into your research and have something specific and nice to say about what they do. The last thing you want is to seem rushed and that you only want something from them because they were the first result in your search.


As we’ve mentioned before, Twitter is a great space to find, interact and converse with your social media influencers. Twitter’s advanced search options give you a lot of opportunity to reach specific audiences or find those who are addressing niche crowds in your industry.

If you need more help with advanced search, check out our Twitter Search Operators Cheat Sheet.

Twitter is great for pushing content and measuring how much traction you gained from a specific post or article. Using Twitter analytics tools from Sprout Social provides huge benefits into finding trending topics and hashtags with your brand. Once you can determine the subjects revolving around your brand, you can easily search for influencers with these key topics.

Use Twitter’s data to help you make better decisions on how you’ll search the network for social media influencers.

Building a Campaign Around Social Media Influencers

Once you understand why social media influencers are important and how to find them, it’s time to construct a campaign around them. When you’re building your campaign, you have to identify the goals you want to reach through your influencers.

You can ask influencers to interact with your campaign by:

  • Guest blogging
  • Sponsored posts
  • Collaborate on an event
  • Becoming an affiliate
  • Asking for product reviews
  • Giving products to influencers

It’s smart to move through the noise of standard advertising and to focus on creating a message your audience actually wants to hear. This is exactly where your influencers can help with your marketing process.

Use Influencers for Niche Audiences

Influencers have the ability to reach very specific audiences. Instead of you relying on thousands of followers, influencers will help you ensure people read and engage with your content.

If you’re going after a niche audience, make sure your influencers know your plan and how they will interact with their followers.

Create Mutual Goals

Your social media influencers need to get something from working with you as well, so again, make sure you have mutually beneficial goals. It’s important that both sides of the party work to post content each day to help build awareness to each audience.

You can’t simply rely on one party to do all the heavy lifting when you’re working together. Map out each side’s goals and work from there. It’s also a good idea to work in the same social network groups so each side can provide insight to discussions and conversations.

Get Started

Creating thoughtful and engaging content isn’t the easiest job on the planet. However, influencers can help you get your brand in the right direction. Remember to think about social media influencer relationships for the long run.

It’s important to know that if you use or abuse your influencer relationships, it can come back to bite you and your brand in the worst way. With a little hard work, research and collaborative efforts, you can be well on your way to boosting your brand’s identity.

Think we forgot something? Feel free to add your own insights and start the conversation below!


4 surefire ways to skyrocket your online sales

4 surefire ways to skyrocket your online sales

With the plethora of eCommerce websites vying for people’s attention, it’s getting harder to not only find a unique niche, but also to turn a respectable profit. Of course, if you aren’t able to attract customers, your eCommerce sales will undoubtedly suffer.

The good news is that there are some sure-fire ways you can bolster your sales income, and you likely already have all the tools and expertise you need to implement them. You might need to introduce a new business strategy or tweak your home page’s effectiveness, but a high-converting website is well within reach.

In this post, we’ll take a look at four ways you can maximize your eCommerce sales without resorting to unethical or overly complicated methods. Let’s get started!

Maximize your eCommerce sales with these 4 steps

  1. Sell to your existing customers first.

  2. Introduce a Pay What You Want strategy.

  3. Optimize your home page for increased conversions.

  4. Introduce Micro-Moments for mobile users.

1. Sell to your existing customers first

Traditionally, you conduct business by encouraging a constant influx of new customers. However, many businesses have discovered that their existing customer base offers a better opportunity to bolster sales.

For starters, your existing customers should already be onboard with your philosophies, meaning they enter the sales funnel later in the process. Also, it’s actually cheaper to sell to your current customers than to acquire new ones.

Fortunately, this strategy is well within the reach of most businesses, and it all starts with your email list. First, target your email list subscribers consistently and often, as they’re ready-made potential customers. Next, make sure you’re automating your emails to follow up with new customers, as this is a great opportunity to turn them into regulars.

2. Introduce a Pay What You Want (PWYW) strategy

This is a concept that on the surface seems to devalue your offerings, but could actually help business boom. A PWYW strategy is just what it sounds like: you give the customer the opportunity to name their price for your products or services.

Before you dismiss this approach, consider the benefits. You’re enabling more customers to enter the sales funnel and boosting your reputation by displaying generosity. If you sell digital products, you can even reduce piracy by making your product easily obtainable.

There are plenty of tips for implementing this strategy. First, you’ll want to find out what the relevant options are for your current eCommerce solution (for example, WooCommerce has a Name Your Price extension). Then, promote urgency by limiting the offer to a set time period. Finally, it’s smart to still set a minimum price for your product to make sure you’re earning something from every customer, although this will obviously impact conversions.

3. Optimize your home page for increased conversions

Your home page is akin to a storefront. As such, it needs to be deftly laid out to maximize conversions. It makes sense to offer an entry to your sales funnel here, which can supercharge your eCommerce sales figures if done correctly.

This isn’t simply about tweaking your call-to-action (CTA), although that’s a good start. After that, here’s our advice on how to improve your home page:

  • Offer a Unique Value Proposition (UVP). You shouldn’t assume visitors will understand why they should buy from you. It’s important to add content to your home page outlining why you’re the best.
  • Introduce risk reducers. The goal here is to make purchasing less risky. Including prominent verbiage — for example, referring to your free shipping and returns options, or adding a lowest price guarantee — can make all the difference.
  • Split test your changes regularly. Making site tweaks without judging their effectiveness is akin to throwing mud at the wall and seeing what sticks. Testing and refining your changes will pay off in the long run.
The takeaway here is not to rely on your product pages to do the heavy lifting.

Your entire website should get customers moving through the funnel, starting with your home page.

4. Introduce micro-moments for mobile users

Micro-moments is a fairly new concept from Google. It considers the number of engagement opportunities a potential customer experiences before making a purchase, and aims to take advantage of as many of them as possible. For example, think about how people use Google and Amazon on mobile devices when shopping for in-store items. Given the dominance of mobile browsing, this is a simple way to slot into the customer’s buying process.

The idea of micro-moments is still a developing strategy, although there are some key aspects to consider. You’ll want to make sure your mobile search engine optimization is solid, then consider these four key micro-moments:

  • I-Want-to-Know moments. This first moment is the customer’s curiosity phase when they’re searching for any worthy information on the product they’re considering.
  • I-Want-to-Go moments. If you have a physical store, getting your details in front of curious visitors at this point can net you a sale.
  • I-Want-to-Do moments. This is the how-to phase — i.e., when people do research on how the product will be used — and could come either before or after the purchase. Your site’s content is key here.
  • I-Want-to-Buy moments. The customer is in buying mode in this phase, and it’s now up to you to help them make a purchase.

There’s a lot more you can do with this burgeoning conversion strategy, so we recommend delving into the Google microsite to find out exactly how you can maximize your eCommerce sales using micro-moments.


eCommerce is more competitive than ever before, which means you’ll have to pull out all the stops to make sure your store turns a profit. Failure to keep ahead of your competitors could see you enter a lean period you might not recover from.

This post has looked at four different ways you can maximize your eCommerce sales. Let’s recap them quickly:

  1. Focus on selling to your existing customers, rather than trying to constantly gain new ones.
  2. Implementing a PWYW strategy could see your profits rise, but requires an invested customer base.
  3. Your home page should be optimized to convert as many customers as possible.
  4. Micro-moments is a new concept, but could be the difference between mediocre and bolstered sales.

Editor’s note: Just getting started and need a platform that can handle your eCommerce sales? Check out GoDaddy’s Online Store. You can have a site running in less than an hour, and it’s fully equipped with multiple payment and shipping options, inventory tracking, eCommerce design features and more. Best of all? You can try it for free.

How small business can find the right social media influencers

How small business can find the right social media influencers

I’ll let you in on a little secret — traditional marketing alone is dead. Gone are the days of solely relying on TV ads to showcase your business. Now, your brand is up for debate. Blog posts, product reviews, insider tips, social media sharing and more. Consumers can take to the streets and share their opinion, even if it’s different from yours. So how do you spread a positive message in this type of environment? You find social media influencers who are passionate about you, your brand or your business.

When starting a business, relationships are everything. There’s a reason word of mouth is still the best form of marketing. If you use large, impersonal channels, your results will be sterile and disappointing.

Small businesses that put love, care and quality into their products should put love, care and quality into their marketing.
Social media influencers are a great way to get your clear, personal message out there.

Social media influencer evolution

If you think back to the early days of social media, which wasn’t all that long ago. It was typical for businesses, brands and peddlers of products to virtually shout at people to buy their wares. Sadly, some still continue to do this and then wonder why their sales aren’t going up.

Think of it like this: Would you run up to a stranger on the street and scream in their face about your product? Probably not. It’s ineffective, not to mention annoying, and it causes people to tune out, or run away if you’re standing on a sidewalk.

Since those early days, it’s been realized that consumers still want to be treated like humans (surprise!) and not invisible beings on the interwebs. Businesses and brands have leveraged brand advocates to serve and influencers to attract more people authentically to their products.

What is a social media influencer?

Social media influencers are a marketing channel just like TV or radio marketing. This type of marketing leverages the captive audience of “influencers” (people with large, passionate followings) on social media platforms. For example, when one of the Kardashians posts about the product of the moment on their social media channels, their followers listen, subscribe and purchase.

You’re probably thinking, “Well, I can’t get one of the Kardashians. Now what?” You don’t need someone with millions of followers.

If you can find a social media influencer to promote your business in an authentic way, with even 5,000 highly engaged people as their core audience, that’s 5,000 people who likely haven’t heard of your business or product before.

And they’ll be more likely to buy because they trust their “friend.”

Why are social media influencers hot right now?

Customers are more likely to purchase something based on a friend’s recommendation than an ad. Social media influencers have become people you look up to and view as friends. People always trust their friends more than brands.Influencer marketing is hot because traditional advertising can’t meet all the demands of today’s consumers. Many use a second screen, like a smartphone or tablet, while watching television, causing traditional advertising to miss the mark.

It doesn’t make sense to pay for TV time when no one is paying attention.

People don’t want to be disrupted — meaning, they don’t want to watch a beer ad during their favorite TV show or sniff a cologne leaflet while reading a magazine. They want a seamless experience. Social media influencer marketing intertwines “ads” (sponsored content) within that influencer’s life.

Finding the right social media influencer

Now what? How do you find the right people to represent your business? Here are some tips:

  • Determine what your brand stands for. What is your business or brand really about?
  • Find social media influencers who share your values and already use your product. Search on social media channels like Instagram, Twitter and Facebook.
  • Make your messaging as authentic as possible. In other words, find or create brand advocates and give them a megaphone.
  • Empower them by giving them free products, politely asking or offering payment. Just remember that if they receive something from you in exchange for their review, they’ll likely disclaim that.

Social media influencers are not a magic pill or a cure all. They’re simply a magnifying glass.

Find the right people who are already loyal to your brand or niche and empower them to spread your message. Authenticity is the way of the future. Consumers have the power. People have the power — brands and businesses don’t. When you make a great product and have the right people shout about it from the rooftops, you really can’t lose.